Myron-HP Diode-pumped, Q-Switched High Power Nd:YAG Green Laser
Myron-HP Diode-pumped, Q-Switched High Power Nd:YAG Green Laser
Myron-HP Diode-pumped, Q-Switched High Power Nd:YAG Green Laser

Myron-HP Diode-pumped, Q-Switched High Power Nd:YAG Green Laser

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The Myron-HP is a diode-pumped, Q-switched second harmonic Nd:YAG laser. It features a field-proven long-life diode module and no DI water requirement for water chiller. The rugged enclosure design, optimized cavity design and PRF adjustment result in excellent output stability over a large, dynamic range as well as increased reliability for long-term operation.


The Myron-HP series provides optimum solutions for scientific as well as industrial customers for numerous applications, such as ultrafast amplifier pumping, PIV, material processing, micromachining, etc.



  • No DI water requirement
  • Field-proven long-life diode module
  • Rugged design, high reliability
  • Up to 20 KHz operating repetition rate
  • Average output up to 140 W
  • Multi-mode mode output
  • Smooth beam profile at focus
  • Ideal for Ti:Sapphire pumping at high-repetition rate



  • Ultrafast pumping
  • PIV
  • Material processing
  • Micromachining





Average Power

>140 W @ 10KHz

>80W @ 10 KHz

Repetition Rate

5- 20 KHz

5-20 KHz


532 nm

532 nm

Pulse Width

<130 ns

<130 ns

Spatial Mode

M2 <25

M2 <12

Beam Size (1/e2)

< 3mm

< 3mm

Energy Stability

<2 % RMS

<2 % RMS

Beam Pointing

<25 µrad (RMS)

<25 µrad (RMS)

Beam Divergence

<10 mrad

<10 mrad


Linear, Vertical

Linear, Vertical