Femtosecond laser micro-nano processing system
Femtosecond laser micro-nano processing system

Femtosecond laser micro-nano processing system

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Product description

The femtosecond laser micro-nano processing system is based on the research and development and industrialization of the key technology of femtosecond laser amplified by high-power fiber seeds-Ti:sapphire. It will be used in laser medical treatment (such as laser non-invasive beauty, "non-contact" tumor removal, soft tissue surgery, cardiovascular Brackets, etc.) and industrial processing (such as laser welding, laser cladding, laser engraving) and other industrial fields have a wide range of application values. Our femtosecond laser technology has high beam quality, high light conversion efficiency, and continuous maintenance-free in an industrial-grade environment The most important thing is to fill the gaps in the domestic laser industry. This technology is combined with our self-developed six-axis laser precision micromachining platform and integrated opto-electromechanical modules to form a femtosecond laser precision machining system with complete and flexible processing capabilities, thus promoting femtosecond laser technology in military industry, scientific research and Practical application in the industrial field.

1、System performance

· XYZ high-precision sample positioning

· Optical path and shaping system

· Single software controls all devices

· Easy to expand and customized

· 1 year warranty

· Ultrafast laser users provide

· Warranty can be extended

2、Application field、

· Surface micro-nano structure

· Selective removal processing

· Microporous

· 3D laser direct writing

· Refractive index change

· Dicing or cutting

· Multiphoton polymerization (mPP)

3、Configuration unit composition and parameters

(1).XYZ translation stage

index Value unit
Total stroke XYZ 50x50x25 mm
positioning accuracy ±1 μm
Resolution 0.05 μm
Maximum speed 20 mm/s
Maximum horizontal load 30  kg
Repeatability ±0,5 μm
XYZ orthogonality 5 arc sec
Integrated sample holder yes



(2). Focusing lens

NA 0.1or higher
Focal length 4or smaller mm
Working distance 18.5* mm
Focus spot size ≈3* μm
* depends on objective selected and customers laser

(3).Machine vision (image acquisition and processing)

Photosensitive chip size 11.3mm x 7.1mm
Horizontal/vertical resolution 1920px x 1200px
Resolution 2.3MP
Frame rate 42fps

4、Processing products display

​Degradable polylactate cardiovascular stent, diameter 3mm, filament diameter 100 microns

ZrO2 (Zirconium Oxide Ceramic) sheet with straight holes, diameter 150µm, depth 300µm